The Justice card in Tarot represents fairness, truth, and balance. It embodies the principle of cause and effect, signifying the need for logical thinking, ethical decisions, and accountability. Justice serves as a reminder that every action has a consequence, and it encourages you to make choices based on integrity and a sense of moral clarity.
In a reading, The Justice card suggests that fairness will prevail, and it may indicate a time when legal matters, contracts, or agreements come into focus. It calls for you to examine your actions and their impact on others, seeking harmony through truth and responsibility. This card may urge you to seek balance in situations where you feel wronged or to ensure that justice is served in any disputes or challenges.
“The Justice card is numbered Eleven – the number of balance, truth, and karmic alignment.”
The Justice card highlights the importance of making decisions from a place of fairness, objectivity, and honesty, encouraging you to uphold the truth even when it’s difficult. It signals a time when fairness, clarity, and balance will guide your path, bringing equilibrium and resolution.